Friday, December 29, 2006

Flavour of the year

It is a time that you look back and see how you want to better yourself. A time to take off from the mundane and mull over the past and the future. Ponder on the beauty and fallacies of life. A time to forget philosophy and just free fall into a party binge and wake up a couple of days later. A time to sink in back into philosophy if you have already partied too hard for Christmas. On the whole, a time for a change from the mundane, a little high, new resolutions, breaking old resolutions and generally getting upbeat on life.

For me, no aspirations that the New Year will bring in loads of changes, since all I can ask for is already in tune. It doesn’t mean that the year is going to be a bore. As always the resolve to do something new everytime has not faded and it begs no turn of a calendar to strengthen. Life has been beautiful and the small changes have added that master touch. And a few more finesse touches only add to the beauty. Blogging, fatherly-feeling, IT job, A seventh floor away-from-pollution home, my small addition to the better-than-the-forefathers generation X (or is it Y :)), naming the kid, nicknaming the kid, trekking will be the flavours of the year. I can already mmmm the smell of it and feel fresh. The aroma is inviting. And I have beautiful company to enjoy the feast.

May the New Year begin.